039 - Robert Jenkins is Magic
Published on:
3rd February, 2020
Last week Warden Bill Amburgy allowed Thomas and Dickie to begin podcasting again. Their first guest behind bars is Ron Simmons Jr. to talk about the In Plan Sight Program which started with the disappearance of Chuck Cunningham on the beloved sitcom Happy Days.
Ron Simmons Jr was played by the wonderful Robert Jenkins. Go to his website http://www.robjcomedy.com to find out when Robert will be performing in your area. You can also find links there to both of his comedy albums Achievement Unlocked and Attempted Salvation.
Thomas and Dickie probably aren't played by Alex Bozinovic and Mike Bobbitt, but really, who knows any more? Maybe Alex and Mike are played by Thomas and Dickie at this point.
The live TRUTH show has moved to the second Thursday of every month at Go Comedy. You can get tickets at: www.gocomedy.net
Here's the central hub for all your TRUTH needs: http://truheroism.com/
Art by Mark Rudolph: http://markrudolph.com/
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