Episode 47
47 - Operation Northwood and Dirty Dancing 2: Hot Havana Nights
Published on:
30th March, 2020
Mr. Doctor John Jack Kevorkian (no relation) stops by the TRUTHCAST studios to talk about The Cuban Operation Northwood documentary "Dirty Dancing 2: Hot Havana Nights".
Kevorkian was played by John Mahar, who cohosts the That's Bullshit, Right? podcast with Alex Bozinovic.
For your real estate needs, John is here:
Check out the great videos Tim Den Otter produces at:
Thomas and Dickie have never been in the same place as Alex Bozinovic and Mike Bobbitt, but that doesn't mean they're the same people.
Here's the central hub for all your TRUTH needs: http://truheroism.com/
Art by Mark Rudolph: http://markrudolph.com/
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